Children love to feed bread and crackers to waterfowl. They do not know the harm created from adding these ingredients to the diet of ducks and geese. Poor diet results in a disease known as “Angel Wing” (slipped wing). The last joint of the wing twists causing wing feathers to point out instead of resting against the body. Males develop it more than females. Because of uneducated human kindness, both wrist joints become stunted in their development. When the wing twists outward, it cannot perform its usual function. In extreme cases, the stripped feathers resemble blue straw protruding from wings. Incurable in adult birds, the disease leads to an early death. Birds rendered flightless cannot migrate with their flocks. They cannot even fly to protect themselves from predators. In young birds wrapping the wing and binding it against the bird’s flank, together with feeding the bird a natural diet, might reverse the damage.
This disclaimer story has a lot to do with transactions in the real world. There are four main types of transactions some more plentiful and others quite lethal in nature.
Lethal Transaction: This is a harmful exchange when there isn’t an earnest deposit given for the help, therefore the receiver does not place value on what is given and or abuses the generosity. You get what you enable. When someone takes something without “paying” for it, they are in a sense, stealing from you, aren’t they? The receiver must be involved in the process of what they are receiving; otherwise, it is taken for granted! An example of this would be an animal caught in a trap that bites you when you attempt to rescue it. You mean well, but the animal in the human has not learned how to handle and appreciate the help.
Partial Transaction: When an unbalanced exchange takes place where one party under delivers and breaks a predetermined transaction agreement. In business, career, or life, this is when someone does not fulfill their end of the bargain. This happens all the time and is why most people are weary in professional transactions and say things like, “Can I get that in writing please?” Even then, further protection and assurance are needed these days with the number of unfair transactions taking place! The good old handshake is now just a figure of speech! Isn’t it?
Equal Transaction: Where two parties create a mutual exchange and uphold what is agreed upon. For the most part, in business, career, and life when someone experiences a fair transaction when the stakes are high, they feel like they just won the lottery.
Plentiful Transaction: Where one party over delivers and gives above and beyond the expectations of the other, ONLY AFTER a fair transaction has taken place. Transaction in abundance is the rarest form of exchange and when it happens it is usually because someone gave you the following, more time; quality time; or bonuses.
I’ll leave you with this, and after doing this exercise; it should change your business, career, or life for the better!
Exercise: Write down a list of everyone that you are in a transaction relationship with and figure out what form of transaction you have with them. After doing that, ask yourself this question: How can I create an abundant transaction with these relationships?